Friday, 24 September 2010

Now I'm scared!!

Ok, so here is my blog.  I managed to work out how to set one up, even with my very limited computer skills, and have even managed to find the right place to start typing the actual blog (although this took me far longer than it probably should've done!!).  But now it all seems a little bit scary.  Whatever possessed me to think I could sit and write anything that would make any sense????  Why on earth would anybody bother reading about my mess ups and mistakes?????  What if my mother reads it, and I've put something really embarrassing on????? (pretty stupid because my mum can't even get on the internet let alone find a blog!!)

Is this going to be another one of those things I dream of doing that never quite works out the way I thought???

Only time will tell............

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emma, Congratulations on starting your blog. I can relate to how you feel having only recently started one myself. I love your blog name. All the best,
